A warm welcome to June Society with some exciting new season prints & beloved classics...
Welcome to a very sunny edition of the June Liberty Society!
It's winter here and in my part of Australia very chilly indeed.
Our morning walk was zero degrees celcius, and frost was abundant but these fresh colours warm my heart...

Sneaky peek!
Some exciting news for your Liberty storage solutions...coming your way very soon I have a whole new box pattern arriving!

This box is specifically designed to fit your small cuts of Liberty, and uses just two fat 16s of Liberty to make.
What more perfect way to celebrate a growing stash?!
So stay tuned for updates on that, and a fun surprise in your Ava & Neve Society packs next month...
This month's Society is down two prints as we are still having supply issues thanks to our current global challenges, but this will be rectified in July's pack.

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