How to Make a Mini Macaroon Pouch

Nov 2023

Let's sew a decadent French-themed pastry that's good enough to eat!

I love sewing tiny, fiddly things.

There's just something about the cuteness, the uniqueness, and maybe also the challenge.

So a few weeks ago when Zakka Workshop reached out and asked if I'd like to try making their new pattern called the Mini Macaroon Pouch, I jumped at the chance!

This is one of those luxurious 'just because' projects - because do you even need a reason to make one?

Sometimes making a completely hand sewn, scrap busting, tiny project that you can actually use is the perfect escape from the pressures of life - I hope you agree!

These are the same size and shape as the delicious classic French pastry - with the added benefit of being calorie free!

So, I'm curious, what do you call these in your part of the world??

In Australia, these are known as 'macarons' - the same as the French name and a 'macaroon' is a coconut flavoured sweet, different in texture and flavour. It doesn't matter of course, but I do like to note how words change as we go around the world!

The fun part is that you can choose fruity fabric shades and make a Mini Macaroon Pouch that looks totally delicious!

And this is the perfect project to go to town with your fussy cutting - raid your stash and make a coordinating masterpiece or raid your scrap bins and stitch a mismatched mash-up. Either way you'll create a memorable pouch.

So what can you keep inside this tiny wonder?

This pouch is perfect for those little necessities that need to be kept at hand. I'm using mine for a range of sewing notions - stitch markers for crochet, my leather thimble for hand quilting and clippy markers.

You can also fill this a choice sweet or lolly and gift to a favourite little person - I know I would have been in raptures if I'd received one of these as a kid!

Now, I'm going to be honest with you here - these do take a good dose of patience to sew together. They're entirely hand sewn, and take a bit of wrangling to come together.

To make this process easier for you, I've filmed a tutorial taking you right through how to make one, and I've included some cool techniques that make sewing it so much easier!

If you love the look of that piped trim - hmmm striped just like strawberry frosting - follow along and I'll share that part too.

So I'd love to know if you're planning on making one of these - sew yourself or someone you love something decadent today ...

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So glad you stopped by for a read! I'm a sewist with a passion for family, creativity, & organisation.